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Hotline: (JW) 6397 0444

Archive for 2015

2016 June Intensive Holiday Phonics Programme

The popular-demand holiday phonics programme is back!!

2016 Mid Holiday Phonics

The details of Intensive Crash course is listed below:

Jurong West Branch Tutor Class Schedule Duration
Elementary Phonics (5-8 years old) Ms. Siew (Mon-Thur) 6.30pm-8.00pm 1.5 hours
Higher Phonics (P1-P5) (Mon-Thur)7.00pm-8.30pm 1.5 hours

‘Read in a Week’ Phonics programme has been around for the past 15 years, and thousands of children have benefited from it.

for more course information, please refer to the Phonics page

For more information, please contact us via
Jurong West Branch (KRTC@JW)
Email : jurongwest@krtc.com.sg
Hotline : (+65) 6397 0444

Power Phonics & Literacy
Hotline : (+65) 6726 0300 / 90615789

KRTC/ Power Phonics & Literacy reserve the rights to amend the terms & conditions without any prior notification.

2015 Phonics Holiday Programme

The high demand intensive holiday programme has confirmed in the comming June holiday.

2015 Phonics

‘Read in a Week’ Phonics programme aims to teach young children to be able to read and spell 4 times faster than our regular phonics programme. Thru this intensive holiday program, children can:

– Learn phonics 4 time faster than the regular class
– have better retention

Our services provider, Power Phonics & Literacy has been around for the past 17 years, and thousands of children have benefited from it. The teachers have vast experiences and training and specialize in teaching children with or without learning difficulties. Not only are they taught phonics, but they are also taught the skill of applying phonics. This results in them being able to read independently 1 or 2 years above their peers. These children then become enthusiastic readers and learners as they gain their confidence in reading.

for more detail, please refer to the Phonics page

For more information, please contact us via

Jurong West Branch (KRTC@JW)
Email : jurongwest@krtc.com.sg
Hotline : (+65) 6397 0444

KRTC/ Power Phonics & Literacy reserve the rights to amend the terms & conditions without any prior notification.